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Development of DVD cover
Planning stage Annotated flat plan
For the pictures Ihope to achieve the effect shown below. I want my images to stand out. If I cant achieve this goal I will have to make the images flat.
Development of logo Effects  Bevel and emboss Drop shadow satin For the crown i managed to locate a picture with a drawn crown. I then cropped it out in Photoshop elements and placed it onto Adobe Indesign
Development of logo continued To have the same effect as I have on the writing I added effects to the crown including Bevel and emboss Drop shadow Satin  Inner shadow
Bike and cityscape development The reason why I placed a man with a bike on top of a cityscape was to emphasise a line in the song I like to ride it where I like.  There fore my biker likes to rider his bike all over the city.  I added the basic feather effect to fade out the image so that the title stays dominant. Also the effect looks modern and up to date to attract the  audience who are into new and up to date technology.
Text development I typed some of credits the credits and placed some information about the DVD e.g. Where the DVD was printed, the rights and a barcode. I felt that a quotes from a respected well known newspaper would make my audience want to purchase the magazine. If my target audience were to read a newspaper it would be the sun. So I felt having the quote coming from the sun would be appropriate. Also I included a blurb for the cover to fulfil the codes and conventions of a DVD cover.
Text development cont
Current State of the DVD cover
I had to add the name of the DVD and the name of the main song. I made the bicycle race yellow with a red border so that it stands out also so that I stick to the house colours
I added the names of the starring actors on the top of the cover to inform the audience of the cast. I did this to add star persona. I have started to add the pictures for the strip that goes across the back page of the cover
To create this effect for my images I had to upload them onto Photoshop then I had to type ctrl+alt+ t to  get a box to surround the image then I had to hold control whilst moving one of the corners to create the desired effect.  After doing all of that work I had to cut out the background and place it onto my DVD cover on Indesign
I placed the image onto the back of the cover.  After that I decided to change the border colour to try something new. Also the institution logo was placed on the stem piece.
After conferring with my partner and some of my peers I decided to scrap the modified picture idea.  I placed some more bikes across the DVD cover. By placing silhouettes of BMX bicycles across the cover I hope to send a clear message to the audience of the themes of the DVD. I increased the size of the main biker and the cityscape so that the image stands out. I combined the special and bonus features together to save space for the other images to come.
At the moment I feel that the DVD cover is a bit boring at the moment especially the back page so I am going to do some audience research and ask them what they would want to see on the cover. This is the area that I want to be changed the most.
Audience research  I asked the audience what they would like to see on the cover and what they would like to change
Current state of the cover (25 march 2010- 14.08)
I asked members of my class who fall under the category of my target audience to annotate the DVD cover to show me what they would like to see on the cover.
One of the things that the audience wanted was more colour on the cover. So I asked some of my peers who fall in the category of the target audience which colour I should base the back page on. The choices that they had ware the blue red yellow or the gradient.
The colour that came out on top in the survey was the gradient colour. The main question that I asked was if you were to walk into a shop and purchase one of these products(DVD covers) which one would it be.
To fulfil the codes and conventions of a DVD cover I had to place the DVD logo on the spine and on the back cover  also the age rating which was PG. This is because of some of the other videos on the DVD.
This is the finished product.

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Development of dvd cover

  • 3.
  • 4. For the pictures Ihope to achieve the effect shown below. I want my images to stand out. If I cant achieve this goal I will have to make the images flat.
  • 5. Development of logo Effects Bevel and emboss Drop shadow satin For the crown i managed to locate a picture with a drawn crown. I then cropped it out in Photoshop elements and placed it onto Adobe Indesign
  • 6. Development of logo continued To have the same effect as I have on the writing I added effects to the crown including Bevel and emboss Drop shadow Satin Inner shadow
  • 7. Bike and cityscape development The reason why I placed a man with a bike on top of a cityscape was to emphasise a line in the song I like to ride it where I like. There fore my biker likes to rider his bike all over the city. I added the basic feather effect to fade out the image so that the title stays dominant. Also the effect looks modern and up to date to attract the audience who are into new and up to date technology.
  • 9. Text development I typed some of credits the credits and placed some information about the DVD e.g. Where the DVD was printed, the rights and a barcode. I felt that a quotes from a respected well known newspaper would make my audience want to purchase the magazine. If my target audience were to read a newspaper it would be the sun. So I felt having the quote coming from the sun would be appropriate. Also I included a blurb for the cover to fulfil the codes and conventions of a DVD cover.
  • 11. Current State of the DVD cover
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14. I had to add the name of the DVD and the name of the main song. I made the bicycle race yellow with a red border so that it stands out also so that I stick to the house colours
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17. I added the names of the starring actors on the top of the cover to inform the audience of the cast. I did this to add star persona. I have started to add the pictures for the strip that goes across the back page of the cover
  • 18. To create this effect for my images I had to upload them onto Photoshop then I had to type ctrl+alt+ t to get a box to surround the image then I had to hold control whilst moving one of the corners to create the desired effect. After doing all of that work I had to cut out the background and place it onto my DVD cover on Indesign
  • 19. I placed the image onto the back of the cover. After that I decided to change the border colour to try something new. Also the institution logo was placed on the stem piece.
  • 20. After conferring with my partner and some of my peers I decided to scrap the modified picture idea. I placed some more bikes across the DVD cover. By placing silhouettes of BMX bicycles across the cover I hope to send a clear message to the audience of the themes of the DVD. I increased the size of the main biker and the cityscape so that the image stands out. I combined the special and bonus features together to save space for the other images to come.
  • 21. At the moment I feel that the DVD cover is a bit boring at the moment especially the back page so I am going to do some audience research and ask them what they would want to see on the cover. This is the area that I want to be changed the most.
  • 22. Audience research I asked the audience what they would like to see on the cover and what they would like to change
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25. Current state of the cover (25 march 2010- 14.08)
  • 26. I asked members of my class who fall under the category of my target audience to annotate the DVD cover to show me what they would like to see on the cover.
  • 27. One of the things that the audience wanted was more colour on the cover. So I asked some of my peers who fall in the category of the target audience which colour I should base the back page on. The choices that they had ware the blue red yellow or the gradient.
  • 28. The colour that came out on top in the survey was the gradient colour. The main question that I asked was if you were to walk into a shop and purchase one of these products(DVD covers) which one would it be.
  • 29. To fulfil the codes and conventions of a DVD cover I had to place the DVD logo on the spine and on the back cover also the age rating which was PG. This is because of some of the other videos on the DVD.
  • 30. This is the finished product.